Department of Sanskrit, Samhita and Basic Principles of Ayurveda is one of the Preclinical Departmen...
Sharir Rachana is an important subject for Ayurved course. Sharir Rachana department is well equippe...
Department is fulfilled as per norms of CCIM. There are different types of equipments and instrument...
Roganidana and Vikriti vijnana is an important clinical subject due its unique approach towards Ayur...
Yoga is another basic concept of health explained in Vedic literatures. It mainly aims at having bal...
Agada Tantra Evum vidhi vaidyak is an integral part of ayurveda which deals comprehensively about th...
The primary aim is to offer superior educational services and attain outstanding academic achievemen...
Rasasastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana is a specialization in Ayurveda which deals with preparation of me...